Theatre Quality Frame

Full Title: Theatre Quality Frame – A System of Business Processes and Performance Monitoring for Theatres


  • Innosuisse (former KTI)

  • Theater Winterthur

  • ZHAW Zurich University of Applies Sciences

  • TQU AG Winterthur

Project Duration

October 2012 to December 2015

My Role

Project Initiator, Project Leader ZHAW


How can a sensible quality management be implemented in a theater? How can the quality of processes be linked to the different performance dimensions (artistic, financial, processual,…) of a theater?

In the field of international theatre research, there is a growing discourse on the quality, processes, and performance of theatres and the need to take into account the specific characteristics of theatre organisations, such as the handling of creativity, multiple stakeholders and public interests (Voss and Voss 2000; Agid and Tarondeau 2007; Auvinen 2001; Preece 2005; Vakianis 2006). So far, however, no integrated, comprehensive management system exists that meets the specific requirements of theatres. The aim of the research project discussed here is therefore to help fill this gap by addressing the following key research questions:      

  • Can an effective quality Management System be implemented in a theatre? What would be its key success factors?

  • Can the Performance of a theatre be increased through systematic process management? 

  • Can the application of a theatre-specific quality management system comply with international quality

As a result of this study, a performance-oriented Quality Management System for theatre and Event venues (Theatre Quality Frame) compatible with ISO norms was developed.

The generalized model consists of two interlinked elements: a process map for all theatre processes, and a performance monitor as an instrument for the measurement of organizational objectives. To develop the system, a pilot study was conducted at a Swiss theatre (Theatre Winterthur).


Betzler, Diana (2015). "Theatre Quality Frame – A System of Business Processes and Performance Monitoring for Theatres" AIMAC International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management 2015, Juni 26 –July 1st, Aix‐en‐Provence, Frankreich.

Betzler, Diana (2014). "Theatre Quality Frame: Ein Prozess- und Performancemodell für Veranstal­tungshäuser, Gastspielhäuser und Theater." Schweizer Theatertreffen, 28. Mai 2014.

Betzler, Diana; Labaronne, Leticia (2012). "Neuere Entwicklungen im Qualitätsmanagement in der Theaterpraxis", Tagung der AG der Verwaltungsdirektoren im Deutschen Bühnenverein 2012, Deutscher Bühnenverein - Bundesverband der Theater und Orchester, Mannheim.


Betzler, Diana (2017). "Wirkung und Qualität kombiniert. Ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem für Thea­ter." Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement, 1, 71-100.

Betzler, Diana, Kabitz, Sabrina, Eiche, Daniel, Lorenz, Silvia und Marc Baumann (2016). "Theatre Quality Frame: das Qualitätsmanagement-System für Theater und Veranstaltungshäuser", Winterthur: ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, DOI:

Betzler, Diana; Kabitz, Sabrina (2014). “Theater Winterthur als erstes Theater der Schweiz nach ISO 9001: 2008 zertifiziert.” MQ Management und Qualität, 44. Jahrgang, 6.

Betzler, Diana; Kabitz, Sabrina; Eiche, Daniel; Baumann, Marc; Lorenz, Silvia (2013). “Vorhang auf für erfolgreiches Qualitätsmanagement: Theater Winterthur stellt Weichen für die Zukunft.” Transfer. Das Steinbeis Magazin, 3, 10 ‐ 12.

Labaronne, Leticia; Betzler, Diana; Silvia, Lorenz (2012). Notwendige Anpassungen. Kunst produzierende Betriebe benötigen ein spezifisches Qualitätsmanagement. Das Orchester. Magazin für Musiker und Management, Mai, 21‐24. 

Betzler, Diana; Labaronne, Leticia (2011).“Qualitätsmanagement im Theaterbetrieb.” ProScenium: Fachzeitschrift des Schweizer Verband technischer Bühnen‐ und Veranstaltungsberufe, Ausg. 151, 12 ‐ 13. 

The Team (from left hand side): Sabrina Kabitz (ZHAW), Daniel Eiche (TQU Gmbh), Claudia Abu Khadrah (Kassowitz & Partner AG), Diana Betzler (ZHAW), Silvia Lorenz (Theater Winterthur), Thomas Guglielmetti (Theater Winterthur), André Schwabe (Thea…

The Team (from left hand side): Sabrina Kabitz (ZHAW), Daniel Eiche (TQU Gmbh), Claudia Abu Khadrah (Kassowitz & Partner AG), Diana Betzler (ZHAW), Silvia Lorenz (Theater Winterthur), Thomas Guglielmetti (Theater Winterthur), André Schwabe (Theater Winterthur), Marc Baumann (Theater Winterthur)