Digital Transformation in Art and Culture


Full Title: Digital Transformation in Art and Culture. A Study to Improve Production Conditions in the Cultural and Creative Industries.


  • Federal Office of Culture (BAK Bundesamt für Kultur)

  • Pro Helvetia Foundation (Stiftung Pro Helvetia)

  • ZHAW Zurich University of Applies Science, Center for Arts Management

Project Duration

2018 - 2019


How do cultural production processes and their framework conditions change under the circumstances of digitalisation? What measures can Swiss cultural policy take to support the cultural sector in times of digital transformation?

The use of digital techniques and methods trigger profound changes in the societal role of culture, in cultural expressions, and in the modes of creation, production, and diffusion of cultural goods ("Digit­ized value chains"; European Commission, 2017). An understanding of how far and how digitization has positive and/or negative effects concerning economic, societal and cultural outcomes, is still premature (Acker, Gröne, Lefort, & Kropiunigg, 2015; Kulesz, 2016; Oliver & Ohlbaum Associates Ltd & Analysys Mason, 2017; World Economic Forum, 2018).

For Swiss politics, the question now is how "favorable framework conditions for creative artists as well as cultural institutions and organizations" (KFG Art. 3) can be created in the digitized world. Central cultural policy guiding principles such as strengthening social cohesion and cultural diversity, promoting a diverse and high-quality range of cultural events, enabling and facilitating the access of the population to culture, and promoting Swiss cultural creativity abroad (KFG Art. 3 ) should be thereby met.

The study has two main goals:

  1. Identification of the current challenges of digitized cultural production through structured description, presentation and analysis of cultural value chains and their framework conditions. The following selected submarkets, which are of interest for federal cultural promotion due to policy reasons, is being specifically focused: a) digital games (games)/interactive media, b)film, and c) design.

  2. Development of suggestions for Swiss national policies to improve the production structures and production conditions of the cultural sector in general, and the specific sub-markets of a) digital games/interactive media, b) film, and c) design.

The present study has the character of a preliminary study, outlines trends and developments, and points out options for strategies in Swiss Cultural Policy.


  • Desk Research (approx. 250 sources)

  • Expert Interviews

  • SWOT-Analysis

  • Expert-Workshops


Betzler, Diana, and Lara Leuschen (2020) "Digitised value chains in the creative industries: Is there a convergence of Swiss film and game production?", Creative Industries Journal, DOI: 10.1080/17510694.2020.1796440.

Betzler, Diana und Leuschen, Lara (2019). "Digitale Transformation in Kunst und Kultur. Eine Studie zur Verbesserung von Produktionsbedingungen in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft" ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, on behalf of Pro Helvetia Foundation (Stiftung Pro Helvetia) and Federal Office of Culture (BAK Bundesamt für Kultur), confidential.